Shirt Laundry

Pratt Abbott is your go-to destination for professional shirt laundry services, ensuring your shirts are always crisp, clean, and ready for any occasion.

Our Shirt Laundry Service

Why Choose Pratt Abbott?

Superior Cleaning

We effectively remove stains and refresh your shirts while preserving color and texture.

Perfect Pressing

Our expert pressing service provides a professional, wrinkle-free appearance.

Flexible Finishing Options

Choose hanger return for immediate wear or folded and boxed, ideal for travel (upcharge applies).

Quality and Convenience

Benefit from reliable, high-quality service and quick turnaround times.

Detailed Inspections

Each shirt passes quality checks to ensure your satisfaction.

Specialized Care for Every Shirt

Some shirts, due to their fabric, details, or cut, may require dry cleaning rather than laundering to preserve their quality and appearance. At Pratt Abbott, we assess each garment to provide the best cleaning method and personalized care for your wardrobe.

shirt laundry service maine
shirt laundry service maine
shirt laundry service maine

Get Shirt Laundry from Pratt Abbott

Drop your shirts at your nearest location or join our route for regular pickup and delivery at your home or office.